Week of hell almost over with

Today started out with a bang, literally. I blew the right rear tire on the car and had to put the donut on to get to work.

I ended up buying 2 used tires as another one had a serious bubble developing on it, I still need to get one more to replace the left rear.

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Possible April Fools Joke

Our primary salad bar person is coming back on the first of April and I think I have convinced the managers to do this.

I want to take all the full lexans of prepared product and move them to another walk-in and put nothing but empty one in each spot.

When she arrives we will tell her that they have been empty for the entire month and she needs to get busy.

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One more week left

Only 1 more week and then hopefully I will be back to at least 2 days off each week.

I am getting burned out after only having 5 days off for the month and 2 of those I was sick as a dog.

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Swamp Cooler Running

I ended up cleaning the swamp cooler today and now have it filled with water to cool the place down a little bit.

Still need a new belt and possibly new pads as well.

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Spring is coming

I uncovered the windows in the trailer yesterday, that way I can get some airflow in the place.

I still have to buy a new belt for the swamp cooler and then clean it up for summer.

I also have to get that new control module for the A/C unit so it can be used as well if needed.

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Posting from Macjournal

Only one more day and then I hopefully will have a day off, of course the schedule has not been put up yet either.

It is starting to warm up and I might have to start getting the swamp cooler ready for another summer soon.

At least tomorrow is payday.

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Long weeks continue

I am still working 6 days a week.

Makes it hard to relax when you only have 1 day off each week.

Looks like there will be 2 more weeks of this though.

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