Change of career

After almost 30 years of cooking, I have decided that enough is enough and I need to rethink what i want to do with my life.

I have decided that going back to school is the best way to accomplish that and have started taking classes.

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I am currently working at the Aquarius Casino as a Steady Extra cook. So far I am averaging about 28 hours a week, but that should go up a little bit once the buffet opens back up on Christmas.

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Health Insurance

For the last 6 months I have had health insurance, but I have decided that I no longer want this expensive thing.


When I last had health insurance it was costing me about $50 a paycheck, now that the “unaffordable Health Care Act” has been passed the insurance companies have jacked the rates right out of affordability.


The rate that they were going to charge me for the lowest level was $122.40 a paycheck or about $245 a month. A rate increase of $36.88 or 43.12%.


I am not going to work for free for 13.6 hours a pay period just to have something that I barely use.


Looking at my recent check stub, 8.71% of my income is going to health insurance and that is not even compared against net pay, that would be 10.72%.


Technically I will be uninsured for 6 months out of the year, but the first 3 do not count.


I am keeping my vision and dental insurance though.

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Back to work

No Estrella for me this year, I am working once again and most likely will work lots of weekends.

I will have a 90 day evaluation period before I will become a regular full time employee.

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One month into the new job

So far it is going good, it is nice not having to do all the work and just mostly supervise the inmates as the cook and serve the food.

I do need to become more assertive though.

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Time to find that new job

Things at work are starting to get ridiculous, I got sent home because I refuse to tuck in my work shirt. I have good reason for not doing it.

Bonnie has her MIT position going to her head and has become power crazy. Looks like she will get to do some extra work today then.

So far I have applied at the State Prison, Hualapai Nation Correction Institution and now I am going to send a application to the Hualapai resort on the West rim.

I would prefer to get out of the hospitality business all together though.

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Continuing sucky

Work continues to be fairly busy, never knowing what I will have to do day to day.

Right now I am back doing buffet 5 days a week since our morning team has either quit or will be gone in a week and a half. Need to get some more people hired and trained.

I still have to do a lot of the prep work like making soups, pastas, chili and spaghetti sauce for the line. Not to mention the steaks, sandwich meats and chicken fried steaks.

I am taking a vacation next month to go to Highlands War again.

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Life has been fairly sucky recently.

WIth the change to having 2 in the morning and 2 at night I have ended up doing even more work that before as we do not have enough people who can handle the duties.

Hopefully soon I will get back to mornings only and a better work flow.

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Bad week

This week has not been good at all, I drove back from the Highlands war just fine, got up Monday morning and attempted to start the car. it just clicked, checked the cables and noticed little puffs of smoke coming from the battery.
Result= New battery for $84

Getting the old battery was not all that easy either, the clamp was free spinning so I had to chip out the portion that the clamp held. I then removed the tray and when I put the new battery in I just installed 2 of the bolts instead of the the usual 3.

Tuesday we had to deal with the field manager, he managed to distract the kitchen manager enough that I had to watch the buffet and try to put the truck away at the same time. I spent the entire day being behind.

Wednesday and Thursday were not all that bad, just regular days of prep for me.

Friday I came in at my regular time and found that out normal prep cook misread the schedule and was not there. I got to fill in for him, put away the truck and cut meat. That mad for a 9 hour day instead of the 5 I was supposed to be doing.

Now I just plan on relaxing and getting the camping stuff put away now. And laundry.

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Possible April Fools Joke

Our primary salad bar person is coming back on the first of April and I think I have convinced the managers to do this.

I want to take all the full lexans of prepared product and move them to another walk-in and put nothing but empty one in each spot.

When she arrives we will tell her that they have been empty for the entire month and she needs to get busy.

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